Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I want better!

I've had tons of people ask me basic "How can I make my pictures better?" questions. It's hard for me to explain everything in the nutshell type answer they want so I'm toying the idea of hosting a workshop of sorts giving basic technical information, a bit of creative information, basic editing processes and a list of reputable print labs. I'm thinking possibly a day course with catered lunch and an hour or so of shooting time with child models. If this is something you would be interested in, please leave me a comment or send me an email to and let me know. If this thought becomes a reality, I will limit the number of attendees to 15. If there is more interest, I will consider hosting more events in the future.


Anonymous said...

I am definitely interested in something like that. I have looked around at the local colleges, but everything is either too time consuming or too expensive. Lighting seems to be my biggest challenge!
It was nice to meet you Saturday! Can't wait to see the pictures of the boys!
Allison Standridge

FireWife425 said...

Hey Kristy. This would definately be something Chris & I would be interested in taking... eventhough I need ALOT more him than him. Please just keep us in mind if you decide to do the class. Thanks & hope you have a great day! ~Nikki F.

The Ryans said...

I'm sure my sister would definitely love to attend a workshop like this. She is new to photography and could use all the help she can get. Please keep her in mind if you decide to do one. Thanks! Her page is:

jenniferwhite said...

Hey Kristy! I would definitely be interested in some tips! Could you also give some tips on Photo Shop? Thanks girl.
Jennifer White

The Spencer Family said...

You know I would be there.