Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Ok, so its not as catchy as Y2K (remember that?) but its all I could come up with. I checked the blog tonight to see if I had made 2000 hits yet and it is at 1,999. That is incredible to me! I wish I knew exactly who all visited so I could say thank you. It's nice to know that somebody is reading and I'm not just talking to myself. :-) Anyway, we need to celebrate! The first person to comment to this thread will receive a $50.00 print credit on a future session. The next 5 people to comment will receive a consolation prize of a $25 print credit. Not valid on re-orders, session fees and party orders.

Thanks again guys! As cheesy as it sounds, without you, I wouldn't have a business!


amandah said...

Your blog is sooooo deep tonight!! I am so excited for you to have reached 2000!! Keep up the great work....amanda h

FireWife425 said...

WOW - 2000! Congrats...

Nikki F

susan said...

Congrats on 2000!!!


Anonymous said...

Way to go!!!

Amber D.

Anonymous said...

Lovin' the new stuff. Your awesome.

-Katy W.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 2000 mark! Traci Moore

Teri Hogeland said...

I also enjoy your site and pics, keep up the good work.
Teri Hogeland