Friday, September 4, 2009

Birmingham Photographer | Photo Tip Friday

Do you have that fear that sits in the back of your mind "What if my computer crashed and I lost all my pictures?" or even worse, "What if we had a house fire and I lost all those precious memories that I could never get back?". I know I do. I'm terrible about burning DVD's and storing them outside of my home. I back up DVD's and external hard drives with all my images but I go 1 step further just so I know that my pictures are safe. Off site storage is a wonderful solution to this. I found a site that helped me relieve those fears. It's You can create an account, upload high resolution images and even order prints and gift items there too. You can create albums to organize so it makes keeping everything straight a breeze too. Winkflash has unlimited file storage so even if you never order a print, your pictures are still safe and sound! If you have a ton to upload like I do, download their Transporter software. It's super simple and saves a ton of time.

Until next time...

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